BY:MIKEY PESQUEDA There aren’t many things as fickle as our memories, especially in times of hardships. The Israelites in Exodus seem to be the biggest bunch of ungrateful people you could imagine. They had just witnessed God save them by sending plagues on the Egyptians, parting the Red Sea, turning bitter water sweet from a log, making manna appear out of nowhere, having water come from a rock and many more things. Even in all of these impossible scenarios, we continue to see the people of God complain, whine, and wonder if God cares for them.
As I read this story, I find myself wondering how the Israelites could be such whiners. I mean, they have just seen God do impossible things! What more could they want? Then I think about my life. When have I doubted God’s provision and care when life got tough. When have I complained and thought God had forgotten about me when I was going through difficult times? A lot of times we can be like the Israelites. We can easily forget the impossible things God has done in our lives. Our minds can stay trapped in the momentary suffering. How do we change this? How do we confront our sinful nature and our fickle minds? Create a prayer journal. If you don’t like to journal this could be a difficult thing to do but it really does help. If you pray often it can be difficult to remember the things we have prayed for and more importantly we can forget the prayers that God has answered. A prayer journal allows us to look at how God has supplied our needs in the past. It also helps us remember his faithfulness and how he will continue to be with us. Another thing we must do is read the Bible often. Meditate on God’s Word. Realize that we are just like the Israelites in many ways and if you ever read about them and think, “How could they act like that?” Then you have probably acted that same way at some point. Repent often and seek the Lord in times of difficulties. Thank him for how he has provided for you in the past and have confidence that he will care for you now. We too often focus on the present and we forget about the past and future. Christ has taken care of you in the past and use those memories to battle your doubting mind in the present. And Christ will come again in the future, remember that when you stand face to face with this world’s trials. Comments are closed.